10 treatments to choose from:
Laser 3 min.
Two-pole interferences 15 min.
Iontophoresis 15 min.
Ultrasounds 3 min.
Magnetronik 15 min. Electrotherapy (Tens, Trabert) 15 min.
Required medical consultation
Kąpiel w wodzie humusowej łączy w sobie walory kąpieli w wodzie leczniczej z korzyściami płynącymi z kąpieli zawiesinowych - borowinowych. Zawarte w wodzie przygotowanej do kąpieli kwasy humusowe w ilości około 200 mg/l są w 100% w formie rozpuszczonej w wodzie, a przez to mają dużo większą biodostępność i zdolność oddziaływania na skórę pacjenta. Główne wskazania do kąpieli w wodzie humusowej: choroby reumatyczne, problemy skórne, dolegliwości mięśniowe i stawowe, stres i zmęczenie, detoksykacja organizmu
It is a non-invasive alternative to surgery that can help alleviate back pain. The therapy involves applying precisely targeted decompression forces to individual joints of the spine. During the procedure, a technologically advanced, multi-part table with adjustable angles is used, which allows the parameters to be personalized to the needs of each patient.
Spinal decompression is recommended for:
- degenerative changes,
- chronic lower back pain,
- discopathy in the cervical or lumbar section,
- back pain qualifying for spine surgery,
- scoliosis.
Spinal decompression can have a therapeutic effect by reducing friction in the interarticular spaces of individual spinal vertebrae. This can increase joint mobility and reduce back pain.
Sirio deep cavitation stimulation is an innovative physiotherapy treatment that is used in the treatment and rehabilitation of many diseases, including: orthopedic. The Sirio rehabilitation device emits acoustic waves with a frequency of 38 kHz, combining thermal effects with the properties of the cavitation phenomenon. Just a dozen or so minutes of treatment has a positive effect on the musculoskeletal system, improving circulation and accelerating the removal of harmful metabolic products from the body. This enables quick and lasting tissue regeneration.
Consultation required before treatment.
Local cryotherapy – or in other words treating with cold, involves lowering the temperature of tissues. The aim is to reduce the temperature of the skin and deeper tissues, thereby causing deep hyperaemia of the treated area. Cryotherapy has mainly analgesic and congestion properties.
ENS impulse current (Transcutaneus Electrical Nerve Stimulation) consists of rectangular bipolar impulses, symmetric or asymmetric. Effective stimulation has analgesic properties, improves local circulation and is used for treating slow-healing wounds, swelling and bruises.
Unidirectional current (unipolar) with an average frequency of approximately 143 Hz. Segmental stimulation inhibits the sympathetic nervous system, relaxes the muscles and inhibits pain conductivity.
Kotz currents are medium frequency impulse currents. They are used for therapeutic purposes. They are used to restore muscle tension resulting from trauma or surgery and to improve joint mobility.
The impulses generated in the tissues due to interference have analgesic, stimulate skeletal muscles for contraction, affect the autonomic nervous system by reducing the tension of the sympathetic nerves, cause vasodilation, improve blood microcirculation and improve nutrition of the tissues.
An electromedicinal treatment using the properties of direct current. The treatment causes an increase in blood flow as well as results in increased excitability of nerve-muscle system, decreased muscle tension, reduced oedema, acceleration of wound healing, stimulation of bone growth and relieved pain, all associated with the functioning of the anode on hydrogen and potassium ions.
Treatment with alternating low-frequency magnetic field accelerates wound healing, bone growth, tissue regeneration after injuries, improves blood circulation, has pain-relieving, anti-inflammatory and calming properties. Improves peripheral circulation.
These are the acoustic waves with frequencies higher than the audible range. They have mechanical, thermal and chemical properties. They relieve pain, cause hyperemia, reduce muscle tension and inhibit inflammatory processes. Particularly well-suited for treating enthesopathies, including calcaneal spurs, amongst others
Die Wirkung der Behandlung hängt von der Art des verwendeten Medikaments ab, das dem galvanischen Strom hinzugefügt wird - es kann schmerzstillend, entzündungshemmend, muskelentspannend, und zur Behandlung der lokalen Osteoporose dienen.
The coherent monochromatic light beam with high energy density reaches deeper tissues. It has regenerating, analgesic and healing properties as well as stimulating tissue oxidation processes.
Pain-relieving therapy that accelerates regeneration processes and mobility.
Elektrostymulacja, nazywana też elektroterapią, to jedna z powszechnie stosowanych metod fizjoterapii, wykorzystująca prąd niskiej i średniej częstotliwości do zmniejszania bólu, redukcji obrzęków, rozluźnienia mięśni oraz poprawy przewodnictwa chemiczno-nerwowego.
Impulses generated in tissues under the influence of interference exert an analgesic effect, stimulate skeletal muscle contraction, affect the autonomic nervous system by reducing sympathetic nerve tone, cause vasodilation, improve microcirculation and improve tissue nutrition.
Highly inductive, deeply penetrating, pulsed electromagnetic SALUS-TALENT stimulator. The most common indications: spinal diseases, acute / chronic pain in the lumbosacral region (lumbago), sciatica (ischialgia), spondylosis (degenerative changes of the vertebrae), peripheral nerve damage, joint degeneration, rheumatoid arthritis, cervical pain.
The treatment is based on immersing both upper and lower limbs in sulphide water without entering the tub. The properties of sulphide water during sulphide limb-baths are on a par with tub baths. Can be used in the case of contraindications to bathing in tubs.
It uses the chemical properties of mud, which contains humic acids, fulvic acids, estrogenic bodies, proteins and tannins. The treatment is carried out with limited thermal exposure to 37ºC. Such baths are used in treating osteoarthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, post-traumatic conditions, gynecological and urinary tract diseases.
The chemical properties of carbonic acid baths are associated with skin permeation of carbon dioxide dissolved in the bath water. Recommended for people with I and II stage hypertension, lower limb atherosclerosis, diabetic angiopathy, functional heart disease and vegetative neuroses.
Bath in sulphide and hydrosulphuric salt water. The influence of baths on the body begins from the very moment the skin contacts sulphide water through gentle peeling of epidermis and stimulation of regenerative processes. This is supported by the antibacterial and antifungal properties of sulphide water.
A combination of sulphide and brine baths.
Sulfur bath: Bath in a bath in a solution of sulphide-hydrogen sulphide salt water. The impact of bathing on the body begins from the moment of skin contact with water by gently exfoliating the epidermis and then stimulating renewal processes. This action is supported by the bactericidal and fungicidal properties of sulphide water.
Brine bath: Bathing in saline from Zabłocie with the strongest iodine content in the world. It is rich in ions: calcium, magnesium, bromine, boron, silicon, selenium and many other bioelements. During the bath, the body is cleansed of toxins and metabolic products, including urea, uric acid, lactic acid, creatinine, and ions dissolved from the salt are absorbed: iodine, bromine, calcium, magnesium, silicon, selenium, etc. The brine from Zabłocie is used as addition to relaxing, rejuvenating and slimming baths. Chloride and sodium ions contribute to the reduction of pain and lower general excitability.
A peat bath prevents the skin from drying out, leaving it smooth and elastic. It has the ability to stimulate cell metabolism, which helps fight cellulite.
Bath in Zabłocie brine with the strongest iodine content in the world. It is rich in ions: calcium, magnesium, bromine, boron, silicon, selenium and many other bioelements. During the bath, the body is cleansed of toxins and metabolic products, including urea, uric acid, lactic acid, creatinine, and the ions dissolved from the salt are absorbed: iodine, bromine, calcium, magnesium, silicon, selenium, etc. Zabłocie brine is used as an addition to relaxing, rejuvenating and slimming baths. Chloride and sodium ions contribute to the reduction of pain and general excitability.
Dry carbonic acid bath (gas with carbon dioxide), during which the same substance is used as in a wet bath, but without the use of water. The main effect of carbonic acid baths is on the cardiovascular system as well as heat and cold receptors. Dry carbonic acid baths are based on the action of carbon dioxide dissolved in the air. Absorbed carbon dioxide through the skin and respiratory tract effectively dilates blood vessels.
Inhalations are a great way to moisturize the airways and clean them from secretions. They perfectly support the treatment of respiratory diseases such as runny nose or cough.
Our specialists take care of the proper course of treatment and the safety of the patient, who plan the types and frequency of treatments based on the patient's medical history, and also monitor the course of treatment.
GUNAPHORESIS non-injection collagen therapy using magnetic resonance imaging is recommended for people observing signs of aging on their skin, as well as struggling with visible scars, loss of skin firmness or local excess of fatty tissue.
For greater effectiveness and to obtain long-term results, it is recommended to perform a series of several treatments.
Contraindications to the procedure:
The device produces an extremely low-frequency magnetic field, which has no contraindications for the patient and the operator. Although the field is limited only to the area of application, magnetophoresis treatments are not indicated for:
You can read more about GUNAPHORESIS collagen therapy in the collagen therapy tab: Collagen therapy
Collagen therapy + facial make-up removal.
GUNAPHORESIS non-injection collagen therapy using magnetic resonance imaging is recommended for people observing signs of aging on their skin, as well as struggling with visible scars, loss of skin firmness or local excess of fatty tissue.
For greater effectiveness and to obtain long-term results, it is recommended to perform a series of several treatments.
Contraindications to the procedure:
The device produces an extremely low-frequency magnetic field, which has no contraindications for the patient and the operator. Although the field is limited only to the area of application, magnetophoresis treatments are not indicated for:
You can read more about GUNAPHORESIS collagen therapy in the collagen therapy tab: Collagen therapy
GUNAPHORESIS non-injection collagen therapy using magnetic resonance imaging is recommended for people struggling with muscle and joint pain of various origins. It can be a complement to physiotherapy, physiotherapy or sulphide baths.
The treatment can be performed on areas such as:
lumbar spine
other painful joints and muscles
stimulating the body to produce its own collagen fibers
regeneration of joint cartilage, tendons, ligaments and muscles
acceleration of wound healing
For greater effectiveness and long-lasting effects, it is recommended to perform a series of several treatments.
Contraindications to the procedure:
The device produces an extremely low-frequency magnetic field, which has no contraindications for both the patient and the operator. Although the field is limited only to the area of application, magnetophoresis treatments are not recommended in the case of:
pregnant women
patients with a pacemaker
in patients with very old type of dental implants made of magnetic iron (before facial skin treatment, removable dentures containing metal elements should be removed from the mouth).
You can read more about GUNAFORESIS collagen therapy in the Collagen therapy: Collagen therapy tab
One of the most effective methods for treating pain in the spine, joints, limbs, face, head, degenerative changes or post-traumatic conditions. It is based, inter alia, on very strong, local massaging of the tissue, rupturing the pathological bondings, aligning deformed fascia or pressing the torn structures into their correct anatomical location.
Symptoms and signs are interpreted and catalogued in the form of “clinical patterns”. Differentiation can be carried out through detailed interview and functional examination. Thinking clinically, in accordance with the principles of Cyriax’s orthopaedic medicine we have excellent opportunities for conducting differential diagnosis.
Kinesiology Taping is based on taping over a selected part of the body (muscles or joints) with a special patch. This method is fully applicable in sport and physiotherapy. Applying the patch reduces abnormal muscle tension, improves (enhances) muscular functioning, improves microcirculation, activates the lymphatic system, reduces swelling, supports joint functioning and reduces pain.
Reflexology is a method of medicinal foot massage. It is based on stimulating specific points and reflex zones of feet, corresponding to the individual organs and systems within the human body. It is an extremely effective form of therapy and relaxation.
Deeply moisturises, nourishes, smooths and firms the skin. It helps relax muscles, reduce nervous tension, relax, strengthen the body and remove toxins.
Underwater massage has both calming and relaxing properties. It contributes to muscle relaxation, reduces blood pressure and blood congestion by expanding the blood vessels as well as improving metabolism.
It is a restorative dry mechanical massage of the whole body on a water bed. It triggers positive changes in the metabolism of muscle cells, delivering a feeling of comfort and relaxation.
Lomi Lomi is a traditional Hawaiian massage. It is performed with the use of warm oil distributed immediately throughout the skin. The massage is accompanied by specially selected music, which increases the sense of comfort, the efficiency of the process and introduces a nice, harmonious atmosphere.
Ayurvedic massages restore the harmonious flow of energy, provide deep relaxation, eliminate stress and negative emotions as well as improve well-being. Head massage including the nape and neck also focuses on those areas, most sensitive and prone to tension.
Relaxation massage performed using a special candle with wax turning into a warm and sensual massage oil. After the massage, the unique formula of the candle oil makes the skin silky smooth, soft and moisturised. This massage stimulates all the senses and offers unique sensations; hence, it fully relaxes while the heat and scent of essential oils supply with energy and improve your mood.
Full-body stone massage is a wellness ceremony inspired by the techniques of the East. The massage is performed with basalt stones and various forms of pressure and temperature stimulation. Hot stones enhance blood circulation and cellular metabolism in the treatment areas, they help relax the muscles, ease pain and reduce inflammation.
This massage stimulates blood circulation and body fluids, it helps to get rid of waste and toxins from the body. It is very effective in fighting cellulite. It works comprehensively, not only by reducing the size of cellulite deposits, but at the same time by improving the quality of the skin and tissues beneath it.
This massage stimulates blood circulation and body fluids, it helps to get rid of waste and toxins from the body. It is very effective in fighting cellulite. It works comprehensively, not only by reducing the size of cellulite deposits, but at the same time by improving the quality of the skin and tissues beneath it.
Relaxing massage that fantastic has stress-relieving, stimulating and refreshing properties. Perfectly nourishes, regenerates, softens and smoothens the skin. Delays the ageing processes and helps skin tissues recover elasticity and shine. Supports the skin's protective properties. Raspberry extract not only refreshes and soothes irritation.
Relaxing massage that fantastic has stress-relieving, stimulating and refreshing properties. Perfectly nourishes, regenerates, softens and smoothens the skin. Delays the ageing processes and helps skin tissues recover elasticity and shine. Supports the skin's protective properties. Raspberry extract not only refreshes and soothes irritation.
Relaxing massage performed with all kinds of oils and scented creams e.g. chocolate, cinnamon, coffee, caviare and orange. The oils caress the body with their velvety texture and soothe senses with extremely pleasant fragrances. Special massage
Relaxing massage performed with all kinds of oils and scented creams e.g. chocolate, cinnamon, coffee, caviare and orange. The oils caress the body with their velvety texture and soothe senses with extremely pleasant fragrances. Special massage
Consists of using various techniques such as stroking, rubbing and kneading, percussion, spreading, vibration and shaking in order to improve local blood circulation.
Consists of using various techniques such as stroking, rubbing and kneading, percussion, spreading, vibration and shaking in order to improve local blood circulation.
Treatment for all types of skin, especially mature and dry skin prone to cellulite. Keratolytic sulphide water accelerates the renewal and regeneration of the epidermis. Mud, green clay and ivy extracts stimulate micro circulation and blood circulation, firm the skin and fight cellulite. This treatment gives the skin a healthy colour and shine, with a perfectly smooth and supple finish. Full body treatment
Regenerating anti-cellulite treatment – a light peeling gel and moisturising biosulphide lotion. Refreshes and moisturises the skin, leaving it both smooth and supple. Increases skin oxygenation and stimulates the metabolism. Full body treatment
A body treatment that stimulates energy and adds vitality, based on lime, mandarin, jasmine, white musk and stem cells from champagne pear. It offers nourishing and moisturising properties for every skin type. Full body treatment
Treatment restoring vitality based on a series of Balneocosmetics Eco Wellness&Spa. It is designed for all types of skin, especially dull, dry and suffering from loss of firmness and elasticity. Energizing aromas of a composition of forest blackberries and raspberries take you on an unforgettable journey to beautiful and younger looking skin. Full body treatment
Eco nourishing and firming raspberry scrub with dried raspberries and nutrition raspberry eco butter. It promotes the regeneration of the epidermis, thus giving the skin a fresh look. It has a strong and long-term moisturising, nourishing and smoothing effect on the skin. A perfect means of relaxation thanks to the aromatic scent of forest raspberries and blackberries. Full body treatment
The peeling exfoliates dead skin cells, smooths and deeply cleanses the skin thanks to the pieces of dried raspberry seeds. Balneocosmetic with the world’s strongest medicinal sulphide water, argan oil and avocado, algae extract and Shea butter. Promotes regeneration of the epidermis, giving the skin a fresh look. Intensively moisturises and nourishes the skin, protects against dryness and peeling and provides the skin with smoothness and softness, supports the natural regeneration of epidermis. Full body treatment
The treatment restores a healthy and natural appearance to the skin. It leaves the skin smooth and soft to the touch. Supports natural skin renewal processes, reduces the visibility of scars and stretch marks. Supports the reconstruction of the skin’s natural protective barrier. Thanks to its unique skincare properties, it soothes all sorts of skin irritation. Provides intense and long-lasting skin hydration, full nourishment and regeneration. Full body treatment
Intensively moisturises and nourishes the skin, protects against dryness and peeling and provides the skin with smoothness and softness, supports the natural regeneration of epidermis. Thanks to high content of Shea butter, avocado and macadamia oil, it soothes and gently nourishes the skin. Medicinal sulphide water, algae extracts and argan oil firm and elastic the skin. Full body treatment
Algae treatment strongly firming and lifting the entire body. It intensively moisturises and nourishes dry and tired skin, stimulates metabolism, supports skin renewal, restores skin elasticity and improves body modelling. Full body treatment
Black mud penetrates the pores of the skin, deeply cleansing. The treatment has oxygenating and nourishing properties for the skin, removes fine lines, soft scars, reduces muscle tension, supports weight loss.
This unusual composition was developed especially for you by drawing inspiration from the power of nature. The specially developed formula, based on the world’s strongest medicinal sulphide water, peat, witch-hazel, white clay, willow bark extract effectively removes skin imperfections and prevents their re-occurrence.
Japanese facial and neck massage technique, which is an excellent alternative to aesthetic medicine treatments. Its aim is to remove all tensions that tend to freeze the muscles and their functions. Through its complexity and intensity of techniques, acting on deeper layers of the skin and muscles, it activates the nerves and thus increases the flow of Qi (energy) on the face, which leads to a natural lifting effect.
It is a completely natural and non-invasive alternative for all those who are afraid of needles, cannot, or do not want to undergo a surgical facelift. It is extremely relaxing and soothing. The area on which we work is the deltoids, neck, neck, back, head and face muscles.
Sensitive and vascular skin care. Care for sensitive skin prone to couperose. It effectively reduces redness, providing the skin with a gentle appearance and uniform skin tone. Facial treatment
Intense detoxification and regeneration of skin weakened by the negative effects of external factors. Facial treatment
Treatment for lifting and smoothing mimic wrinkles. Reduces microtensions, smooths wrinkles while the Coenzyme Q10provides the skin with an intensive dose of energy. Facial treatment
Cleansing the facial skin with individually selected cosmetics.
Gentle exfoliation of epidermis using scrub containing plant enzymes. Facial treatment
Skin care that strongly stimulates reconstruction processes dedicated to hypersensitive and tired skin, requiring regeneration. Facial treatment
Anti-age treatment for skin prone to impurities. Optimal skin care from the first signs of ageing, susceptible to pollution, shining, excessive secretion of serum. Reduces wrinkles, moisturises, firms and tones, shapes the facial contours while matting and guarding against the effects of pollution. Facial treatment.
Firming and protection. Firming and improving skin elasticity treatment with precious Argan oil. It strengthens the network of collagen fibres, intensely nourishes and moisturises the skin and protects collagen fibres from damage. Facial treatment
Marine, face firming care Intensive Crash Kur treatment based on providing the skin with daily doses of the active substances in the form of several ampoules. Facial treatment
Rejuvenation and revitalization. Vitamin treatment intended for skin tired and strained by everyday stress. It nourishes the skin with valuable vitamins C, A, E, B5 and supports skin renewal processes. Thus, the skin becomes fresh and flexible. Facial treatmen
Rejuvenation and revitalization. A vitamin treatment for tired and stressed skin with everyday stress. The treatment provides the skin with valuable vitamins C, A, E B5 and supports skin renewal processes. The skin becomes fresh and elastic.
Treatment for all skin types, it soothes, smooths, brightens and firms the skin. Thanks to a mask in the form of collagen patch, collagen fibres remain strengthened while the wrinkles are smoothed. Facial treatment
A safe alternative to collagen injections. It ensures intensive care for tired skin with low elasticity through a special massage that stimulates the connective tissue. Immediate firming effect. Facial treatment
Cosmetic masks are used for intensive cleansing of the skin (intensify sweat excretion, soften the stratum corneum), improve blood circulation and tone, soothe irritations, narrow the pores, prepare the skin for the penetration of active substances and improve their penetration into the skin (occlusive effect) and many others. They may have anti-inflammatory, stimulating, astringent, drying, relaxing, moisturizing and warming effects. Of course, we always choose masks for individual skin needs.
Masks provide our skin with more regenerating and water-rich ingredients than creams, and more strongly regenerate the skin and smooth wrinkles. After applying the mask, the skin becomes brighter, smoother and looks younger.
Algae mask, with its high content of minerals extracted from algae, perfectly nourishes the skin and protects it from negative external factors. The type of mask is individually adjusted to the needs of the skin. Facial treatment
The great advantage of ampoules is, above all, the high content of active ingredients enclosed in sterile packaging. Such a closed preparation is extremely active, it does not lose its power, thanks to which it maintains high efficiency when applied to the skin.
Facial massage + ampoule
Eyebrow regulation involves removing unnecessary hair from the eyebrows, which disturb the desired shape of the eyebrows or are simply too much in some places. The aim of regulation is to give the eyebrows a perfect shape. This is a procedure that both women and men undergo.
Coloring of eyebrows or eyelashes + eyebrow adjustment.
Eyelash and eyebrow colouration + eyebrow adjustment.
Regenerating and nourishing treatment with anti-aging properties, complemented by silk and pearl. Organique
Paraffin has many health properties - it improves blood circulation, warms and relaxes muscles and soothes aching joints. In addition, it smoothes the epidermis and makes the skin elastic.
Our hands are our calling card. Therefore, you should keep them well groomed. Sugar peeling gently exfoliates the epidermis, giving the hands a silky smoothness. Active substances contained in the mask have strong skin regeneration properties and nourish it with valuable lipids. The cream fully hydrates and nourishes the hands.
Nourishes, smooths and firms the skin all over the body, making it radiant and delicate. To bring the atmosphere of the bath up to speed with the realities of ancient times, enjoy a drink of malibu with milk.
Wine-therapy is dedicated for people of all ages: those under stress, on a diet, fighting with cellulite, for both men and women. This extraordinary treatment complements the skin with cleansing and smoothing properties. To enhance the nourishing effect you can enjoy a bunch of grapes with a glass of wine.
Cosmetic SPA baths take place by immersion in a bath tub with warm water and mineral salts. Baths improve microcirculation, have moisturizing, smoothing and nourishing properties.
Treatment for all types of skin, especially mature and dry skin prone to cellulite. Keratolytic sulphide water accelerates the renewal and regeneration of the epidermis, mud, green clay and ivy extracts stimulate micro circulation and blood circulation, firm the skin and fight cellulite.
Classic Thai massage is a combination of passive yoga, acupressure techniques, meditation and stretching. It is a type of the so-called deep massage, which consists in firmly pressing specific places all over the body. The treatment begins with the lower parts, or feet, towards the upper parts of the body. It is performed not only with the hands, but also with the thumbs, wrists, elbows, forearms, and even with the feet and knees of the massage therapist. The techniques used during Thai massage are designed to release tension from the body and allow energy to flow through it more easily. It can be a perfect complement to the treatment of frequent headaches, spine and muscle aches. It also helps in ailments related to circulatory disorders, problems with metabolism and chronic stress. In addition, it strengthens the body's immunity as well as supports convalescence after diseases and injuries.
Classic Thai massage is a combination of passive yoga, acupressure techniques, meditation and stretching. It is a type of the so-called deep massage, which consists in firmly pressing specific places all over the body. The treatment begins with the lower parts, or feet, towards the upper parts of the body. It is performed not only with the hands, but also with the thumbs, wrists, elbows, forearms, and even with the feet and knees of the massage therapist. The techniques used during Thai massage are designed to release tension from the body and allow energy to flow through it more easily. It can be a perfect complement to the treatment of frequent headaches, spine and muscle aches. It also helps in ailments related to circulatory disorders, problems with metabolism and chronic stress. In addition, it strengthens the body's immunity as well as supports convalescence after diseases and injuries.
Therapeutic massage is characterized by strength and dynamics, which not only relaxes the whole body, but also eliminates pain and contractures. Using special techniques, the masseur relaxes tense, stiffened muscles and tendons and relieves the body from pain. It helps in the treatment of many diseases and ailments. It is recommended during rehabilitation and convalescence after a long-term illness or accident. It fights fatigue, reduces the likelihood of injury, and allows you to regain strength much faster. The treatment is recommended primarily to people who practice sports professionally, suffer from joint and muscle pain, struggle with point pain in the nerves, are weak, with a noticeable decrease in energy, and also work intensively.
Therapeutic massage is characterized by strength and dynamics, which not only relaxes the whole body, but also eliminates pain and contractures. Using special techniques, the masseur relaxes tense, stiffened muscles and tendons and relieves the body from pain. It helps in the treatment of many diseases and ailments. It is recommended during rehabilitation and convalescence after a long-term illness or accident. It fights fatigue, reduces the likelihood of injury, and allows you to regain strength much faster. The treatment is recommended primarily to people who practice sports professionally, suffer from joint and muscle pain, struggle with point pain in the nerves, are weak, with a noticeable decrease in energy, and also work intensively.
Relaxing massage with aromatic oils is a combination of traditional Thai massage with aromatherapy. By using oriental massage techniques, its effects have been enhanced with the use of precious oils that stimulate the senses as well as firm and nourish the skin, improving its overall condition, which as a result becomes silky soft and smooth. A relaxing and revitalizing massage with the use of aromatic oils, i.e. lotus flower or mocha restores the state of energy balance, harmony of the body and mind, and introduces a state of deep relaxation and relief. Performed with calm and rhythmic movements, the massage reduces stress and at the same time has a great effect on the nervous system. In addition, it helps in the regeneration of an exhausted body, strengthens the immune system and increases efficiency and vitality.
A massage dedicated to all those who want to take care of their appearance and body, restoring its firmness and smoothness. The massage involves the use of special techniques - intensive massaging, kneading and patting. Thanks to this, it supports the slimming process and fat reduction by stimulating the local metabolism of the body. Blood flow is increased, which contributes to accelerated metabolism and detoxification of the body of toxins. In addition, masseuses use special creams to remove cellulite, model the body and smooth the skin. To see clear effects, we recommend a series of 10 massages, at least twice a week. The massage focuses on those parts of the body that require slimming and firming the skin. At the same time, to maintain the balance of the whole body, other parts are massaged, which allows the massager to relax and feel more relaxed.
Massage with herbal stamps is a comprehensive therapy that works both relaxing and healing. The basis of this massage is heating special stamps made of cotton, filled with a mixture of dried herbs: mint, ginger, cinnamon, lemongrass, eucalyptus, lime, lavender and sage. Due to the use of medicinal herbs, it is especially recommended in the fight against inflammation. They perfectly relieve bruises and muscle pain, cleanse the body and heal. Massage is especially recommended in the case of a decrease in the body's immunity, muscle and rheumatic pains. The herbal stamp massage technique induces deep relaxation, relieves stress and fatigue, and improves both emotional and physical well-being. The intense smell and heat from the stamp make the body and mind fully relaxed.
Face lifting is often referred to as a non-surgical facelift. It is a manual massage, a very intensive treatment that works on the deep structures of the skin. Thanks to this treatment, the skin becomes stronger, smoother, firmer, and all because we work deeper and we can nourish the skin even more intensively thanks to the active ingredients contained in cosmetics used for massage. It is a ritual that combines 3 lifting massage techniques: Kobido face massage, massage of the innovative Sculpture Face Lifting method by Yakov Gershkovich and traditional Thai face massage. Our outstanding masseurs have created their unique proprietary program that combines the most effective methods of face lifting with massage.
This is a chance to plunge into the world of sweet orange. This treatment is a combination of body peeling, which cleanses, smoothes and prepares the skin for further stages of fragrant care. Then a mask is applied that stops the aging process and stimulates and oxygenates the skin, giving it a nice, youthful appearance. The treatment ends with a massage with hot orange oil, which relaxes all the muscles of the body and relieves tension. Thanks to the whole range of treatments, the warmth and soothing massage technique will allow you to relax and fully unwind, and the skin will gain radiance and elasticity.
This is a chance to plunge into the world of aromatic chocolate. This treatment is a combination of body peeling, which cleanses, smoothes and prepares the skin for further stages of fragrant care. Then a chocolate mask is applied, which stops the aging process and stimulates and oxygenates the skin, giving it a nice, youthful appearance. The treatment ends with a hot Shea butter massage, which relaxes all the muscles of the body and relieves tension. Thanks to the whole range of treatments, the warmth and soothing massage technique will allow you to relax and fully unwind, and the skin will gain radiance and elasticity.
Balinese massage is one of the most relaxing and stress-relieving oriental massages. A very intense and deep holistic ritual that allows you to feel the harmony of body and soul. It is a combination of acupressure, aromatherapy, reflexology and Ayurveda. During the session, the masseur rubs the muscles, kneads them, stretches them, but also taps and strokes the body. During the Balinese massage, the deep parts of the muscles are massaged, which stimulates them to work. While working, the masseur guides his movements from the bottom up towards the lymph nodes. An intense touch, accompanied by relaxing music and the aroma of oils, is a great way to relax
Balinese massage is one of the most relaxing and stress-relieving oriental massages. A very intense and deep holistic ritual that allows you to feel the harmony of body and soul. It is a combination of acupressure, aromatherapy, reflexology and Ayurveda. During the session, the masseur rubs the muscles, kneads them, stretches them, but also taps and strokes the body. During the Balinese massage, the deep parts of the muscles are massaged, which stimulates them to work. While working, the masseur guides his movements from the bottom up towards the lymph nodes. An intense touch, accompanied by relaxing music and the aroma of oils, is a great way to relax
Lomi Lomi massage is a deeply relaxing and relaxing ritual. It combines the healing powers of touch, oils, music and warmth to restore the full potential of life force. A characteristic technique of this massage is forearm massage - the movement is very smooth and harmonious. Lomi Lomi massage brings many health and care values. First of all, it perfectly calms down, relaxes, releases internal forces, stabilizes the energy balance and makes people open to themselves and others, start to think and act positively. Lomi Lomi massage improves blood circulation and lymph circulation, makes the body more flexible, especially stagnant joints, accelerates metabolism and the process of fat burning.
The massage is performed using aloe vera, which has been used for centuries as a medicinal plant, rich in vitamins C, E and B vitamins. When applied to the skin, it has strong moisturizing, regenerating, antipruritic and soothing properties. Aloe extract increases the synthesis of collage and elastin. Additionally, it stimulates microcirculation, reduces lymphatic edema and improves firmness. After the treatment, the skin is properly moisturized, silky smooth and elastic.
This unique massage combines the soothing properties of a relaxing massage with the beneficial effects of Shea butter. Shea butter massage leaves the skin silky smooth and fragrant. It provides the full range of vitamins and nutrients needed to keep the skin moisturized, softer and healthier. The attractive fragrance stays on the skin for a long time. Butter, in addition to its excellent care properties (saturated and unsaturated fatty acids, vitamins E and F, and vitamin A provitamin), strengthens the massage effect, relaxing the muscles. The warmth and soothing massage technique allow you to relax and fully unwind.
A candle massage soothes the senses and the body. The scents floating in the office, coming from essential oils heated by the flame of a candle, immediately relax you. Nourishing, warm, natural wax and the touch of the masseur deepen the effect of relaxation. Massage relieves tense muscles and allows you to completely relax. It is a safe procedure for anyone who feels overwhelmed by everyday life. Candle oil leaves the skin wonderfully moisturized, silky smooth and soft. Thanks to the relaxing warmth, unique texture and overwhelming aroma, the massage stimulates the senses and guarantees a unique experience. In addition, it firms the skin and supports the fight against cellulite and stretch marks.
A candle massage soothes the senses and the body. The scents floating in the office, coming from essential oils heated by the flame of a candle, immediately relax you. Nourishing, warm, natural wax and the touch of the masseur deepen the effect of relaxation. Massage relieves tense muscles and allows you to completely relax. It is a safe procedure for anyone who feels overwhelmed by everyday life. Candle oil leaves the skin wonderfully moisturized, silky smooth and soft. Thanks to the relaxing warmth, unique texture and overwhelming aroma, the massage stimulates the senses and guarantees a unique experience. In addition, it firms the skin and supports the fight against cellulite and stretch marks.
Massage with hot coconut oil takes you to the world of soothing and deep relaxation. It is a highly warming and moisturizing massage, thanks to which the skin becomes soft and velvety to the touch. Vitamins and minerals contained in coconut oil, when absorbed, nourish the skin, delay aging and wrinkle processes - as a result, improve its firmness and elasticity. Massage with hot coconut oil is especially recommended for people with dry and sensitive skin. In addition, it relieves the body and mind of somatic stress symptoms, regulates blood pressure and reduces mental tension.
Massage with hot coconut oil takes you to the world of soothing and deep relaxation. It is a highly warming and moisturizing massage, thanks to which the skin becomes soft and velvety to the touch. Vitamins and minerals contained in coconut oil, when absorbed, nourish the skin, delay aging and wrinkle processes - as a result, improve its firmness and elasticity. Massage with hot coconut oil is especially recommended for people with dry and sensitive skin. In addition, it relieves the body and mind of somatic stress symptoms, regulates blood pressure and reduces mental tension.
Massage with warm Ayurvedic herbal and flower stamps is a complex therapy that works both relaxing and healing. The basis of this massage is heating special stamps made of cotton, which are filled with a mixture of dried herbs: mint, ginger, cinnamon, lemongrass, eucalyptus, lime, lavender and sage. Due to the use of medicinal herbs, it is especially recommended in the case of chronic inflammation, decreased immunity, muscle and rheumatic pains. The herbal stamp massage technique induces deep relaxation, relieves stress and fatigue, and improves emotional and physical well-being. The intense smell and heat from the stamp make the body and mind fully relaxed.
Thai massage for 4 hands is performed synchronously by two masseuses. It is considered to be one of the most difficult techniques as it requires concentration and the ability to cooperate. It is a form of physical impact on the human body, using specially selected manual techniques, taken from both classical massage and eastern rituals. It combines relaxing and energizing properties. Pleasant relaxation is accompanied by a feeling of regeneration of mental and physical strength. Massage improves blood and lymph circulation and speeds up the metabolism. It eliminates various pains and tensions in our body. Synchronized movements provide twice as strong, unforgettable impressions and sensations and make us feel happier.
Gold for medicinal and cosmetic purposes has been used since ancient times. The cosmetics that we use for the gold therapy treatment are one of the most exclusive products available on the Asian market. The treatment begins with make-up removal, then the skin is cleansed with a peeling with gold particles. Later, face and neck massage is performed more frequently. Finally, a gold mask is put on. The treatment was created not only to provide excellent results for the skin, which aims to rejuvenate, brighten the skin and stimulate the production of collagen, but also to provide the client with moments of pleasant relaxation and tranquility.
This is a chance to plunge into the world of aromatic chocolate. This treatment is a combination of body peeling, which cleanses, smoothes and prepares the skin for further stages of fragrant care. Then a chocolate mask is applied, which stops the aging process and stimulates and oxygenates the skin, giving it a nice, youthful appearance. The treatment ends with a hot Shea butter massage, which relaxes all the muscles of the body and relieves tension. Thanks to the whole range of treatments, the warmth and soothing massage technique will allow you to relax and fully unwind, and the skin will gain radiance and elasticity.
ul. Partyzantów 18A
28-131 Solec - Zdrój , Polska
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