Some of the techniques of Manual Therapy:
FDM – Fascial Distortion Model
This is one of the most effective methods for treating pain. This method is applicable to all types of pain syndromes ranging from pain in the spine, joints of the limbs, face, head, degenerative changes, post-traumatic conditions and all painful complaints within the musculoskeletal system. In therapy, some of the techniques used are painful. They consist, among other things, of very strong, local massaging of the tissue, disruption of pathological gluing, realignment of the fascia or pushing torn structures into the correct anatomical location. Other techniques used by the therapist are joint manipulations, in particular compression and traction. After manual techniques, gentle physical activity is recommended to strengthen the structure and restoration of nerve connections.
Orthopedic medicine according to Cyriax
The interview and clinical trial proposed in the method gives us a complete picture of the patient being examined. Symptoms are interpreted and catalogued in the form of “clinical patterns” (that is, specific behaviours of disorders or groups of disorders). For many disorders, the method offers local, direct, efficient and economically beneficial treatment. Differentiation can be carried out through detailed interview and functional examination. Thinking clinically according to the rules of orthopedic medicine according to Cyriax, we have excellent capabilities for differential diagnosis. The exact location of irritated structures can be discovered either by the concentration of symptoms in particular locations or by palpation.
- tendinitis, bursitis
- degenerative changes, loose articular bodies
- joint inflammation (rheumatic, mechanical)
- spinal pain
- spinal instability, stenosis.
Kinesiology taping
Kinesiology Taping involves wrapping a selected part of the body (muscles or joints) with a special patch. This method was created by a Japanese chiropractor Dr. Kenzo Kase. This method is fully applicable in sport and physiotherapy. The patch application reduces pathological muscle tension, improves (facilitates) their function, improves microcirculation, activates the lymphatic system, reduces edema, supports the function of joints and reduces pain. Thanks to this method, it is possible to achieve excellent results through the sensory action of kinesiology tape, which have properties similar to our skin.
The kinesiology tape can be used in:
- physiotherapy,
- fight with pain,
- swelling,
- scar therapy,
- sport,
- pregnant women,
- neurological disorders,
- postoperative therapy,
- orthopaedics,
- paediatrics, and many more.