Personal Data.
When using websites owned by Hotel Malinowy Raj you may be asked to provide some of your personal data by filling out a form or by other means. The data you will be asked to provide in most cases include your name and email address. In the case of booking forms, you will be asked to provide full personal data.
When using the Hotel Malinowy Raj website, you may be asked to provide your personal details in the form. The data will allow you to use some parts of the website, including subscription to the newsletter. When completing any form, you must agree to the processing of personal data for purposes related to the operation of the website. Subscribing to the Hotel Malinowy Raj newsletter requires entering your name and email address in the appropriate form. These fields are mandatory.
The obtained data is added to the mailing list. An e-mail address is required to send the latest newsletter to a reader. Users of the Hotel Malinowy Raj website remain anonymous until they decide otherwise or if they take actions on specific parts of the website which require disclosing certain personal data.
Only authorized employees and persons servicing Hotel Malinowy Raj website have direct access to the personal data of the website users. An authorized person is obliged to keep this data strictly confidential and prevent unauthorized access.
Every Internet user who gives his/her data has the right to view, edit and delete them.
Ordering services.
Ordering services offered by Hotel Malinowy Raj requires providing more detailed address information in an appropriate form. The Mandatory fields are marked.
Newsletter subscription requires providing an e-mail address to which the electronic subscription will be delivered. We reserve the right to send commercial and non-commercial content to the newsletter subscribers.
The subscription can be stopped at any time by clicking the appropriate link in the received newsletter.
Hotel Malinowy Raj website is not intended for children. Therefore, we do not intend to collect personal data of persons under 16 years of age and we are not responsible for the information collected from this age group.
We have taken appropriate steps to protect the personal information provided on the website and to protect it against loss, abuse, access, sharing, alteration or destruction without permission. Please note, however, that no Internet transmission is entirely secure and free from errors, in particular, emails sent to and by this website may be unsecured.
Unannounced Messages.
Hotel Malinowy Raj reserves the right to send unannounced messages to persons whose contact details they are in possession and who agreed to the Privacy Policy. Hotel Malinowy Raj assumes that unannouced messages refer to information directly related to its website, services and the newsletter (e.g. changes, internal promotions), non-commercial letters (e.g. wishes) and commercial information, the distribution of which has been paid by the clients of Hotel Malinowy Raj.
Entities requesting commercial mailing do not have access to the contact details of persons on the mailing lists of Malinowy Raj Hotel. Commercial information is filtered to the extent possible, its volume is limited and distributed occasionally.
Using this website is tantamount to agreeing to the conditions set out above. Should you have questions related to other privacy matters related to use of the website, please contact us on the e-mail address:
The website uses "cookies" to better adapt to the needs of our users. Making no changes to the web browser settings means accepting the "cookies" files used by the website.
What are cookies?
Cookies are small text files saved on the user's end device, used to identify the user's browser when using the website. We use "cookies" to provide statistical information to the administrator about the user traffic, user activity, and the way the website is used.
They allow you to customize content according to your preferences.
For your convenience, uses "cookies" and similar technologies to adapt to the needs of users, for advertising and statistical purposes. Cookies used on the website do not store any personal data.
Why do we use cookies?
We adjust the content of websites to the user's preferences, generate statistics that help us understand how website is used allowing us to improve its structure and content, we keep the user's session (after logging in) to avoid having to re-enter the login and the password on each subpage. We use "cookies" to read and analyze statistics, among others, from Google AdWords, Analytics. We block the possibility of multiple votes in polls / surveys.
The level of protection against cookies may be set in each browser.
The level of protection against cookies can be set in your web browser - until you block cookies entirely. It increases the level of security and data protection but may also prevent some features of the website. For more information about cookies go here or visit Help section in the web browser menu.